megan evans Visual Artist

BoxoPROJECTS Joshua Tree California USA December 2019 to Jan 2020
REturn - The work continued an examination of the effects of colonisation on the Indigenous people of the Coachella valley area.
Australia Council residency Liverpool UK- Feb to May 2013
Hosted by the Liverpool Biennale and Artist in Residence at The Royal Standard
Exhibition at The Royal Standard of work in progress done during residency - MEET YOUR CRIMINAL ANCESTORS
The work explored the influence of slavery on the history of Liverpool
BoxoPROJECTS Joshua Tree California USA June 2013
Exhibited Work in Progess - SIMPLICITY
The work examined the colonisation of the Cahuia and other local Native American Tribes.
The London Summer Intensive
A one month residency at the Slade School of Art research centre with 21 artists from 13 countries culminating in a work in progress exhibtion at The Camden Art Centre